Wednesday 2 July 2014

16 things to bear in mind after a break up.

Allow yourself some stalking time. It sounds strange and everyone will be telling you the complete opposite – “why are you still staring at his Facebook profile? Block him!” At first, this won’t help. You’re not a robot. You can’t just cut all ties with someone who up until very recently was your best friend in the whole world. If you can delete him off Facebook/Twitter/Instagram, then bravo, well done you. You’re a hero. If not, don’t panic too much. It’s normal to be wondering what he’s up to or how he’s handling the situation. Yes, sometimes you’ll well up looking at old photos of the two of you and yes, other times you’ll want to punch your computer screen just for seeing an image of his face. That’s fine. You’re a woman. We tend to change our minds like that. Just don’t spend all day brooding over photos of old memories. That will just eat you up inside.

Prepare your liver. Your friends will automatically want to take you out and wine and dine you. That’s because they love you, and what better way to show you than by holding your hair back as you throw up the contents of your stomach into the toilets in Babylon? But sometimes, you’ll feel as if you need time on your own. You’ve probably not had a lot of alone time since you’ve just come out of a serious relationship, so at first, it will feel a little strange. You won’t know which TV programmes to watch, you won’t find things as funny anymore and occasionally, you’ll zone out and completely miss what happened at the end of Coronation Street. But it’s important not to spend too much time on your own just yet. You need to be around those who love you, so that will probably involve a tankard of wine.

Don’t slag him off too much. After all, if he really is a “whiny, controlling gay boy with a two inch penis who couldn’t make you orgasm”, why were you with him for so long? We all know that isn’t true – yourself included. Up until a few weeks ago, you were singing this person’s praises, so don’t go full circle and slag him off, calling him every name under the sun. You’ll look bitter, not better.

Buy nice underwear. So, you’ve been in a long term relationship. You probably do have some lovely bras and knickers stashed somewhere in your bedroom, but let’s face it. You’ve worn your comfy undies for far too long. Go out and buy brand new sexy lingerie. Trust me. You’ll feel so much more confident with Victoria’s Secret protecting your nether regions. Even if it just gives you a secret little boost, you’ll feel like you’ve got your shit together. Plus, if you ever went into hospital (fingers crossed you don’t), the doctors will be checking you out as they stuff you into a hospital gown. You don’t want to be the girl they snigger at as they hastily cover up your Mr Tickle knickers on an operating table. You want them to go: “Holy shit. Have you seen this girl? Dayyym.”

Concentrate on your appearance. I’m not saying pay for a boob job or get your lips done. It’s just that you’ve been so comfortable for the last few months that it honestly didn’t matter that you weren’t wearing make up to work or that you’d worn the same dress on the last two nights out. Everybody knew that you were the girl with the boyfriend. You weren’t looking to pull anyone. But suddenly, you’ll find yourself in the spotlight and you might not be used to that. People will look at you differently. Make sure you wear make up, have nice clean hair and pretty clothes at all times. Trust me. You don’t want it being fed back to your ex that you “must have been having an off day” when one of his mates bumps into you at the pub.

Pamper yourself. That’s right. This is the fun bit. My personal advice would be to go to Boots, spend at least £30 on Soap & Glory products – bubble bath, shower gel, body butter. You name it. Maybe indulge in some new make up. Buy some hair dye. Be brave and book yourself in for a bikini wax or an eyebrow threading session. If you’re in the position to be able to, dedicate at least half of your wages on treating yourself. Seen a gorgeous pair of shoes in River Island? Buy them. Feeling a little bit pale? Fake tan. Hands looking a bit plain? Get your nails done. Not only will you look better, but trust me, you’ll feel like a prin. Nothing says “ha, fuck you, look what you lost” than a mani/pedi and a strong eyebrow game.

Forget about dieting. The heartbreak diet will take care of that all by itself. What’s important at first is to make sure you’re putting something inside your body. That sounds repulsive, but I’m just referring to food. Even if all you fancy is a whopping slice of chocolate cheesecake and a family sized bag of Doritos, indulge. Your eating will be all over the show for the first few weeks, maybe even months, so you need to eat if and when you can. You’ll still burn it off and you’ll probably be eating 50% less than what you were guzzling when you were in a relationship. Either way, you’ll drop at least half a stone without trying. Once you’ve got over the wobbly bit (the first eight weeks of a break up), then you can actively try to lose weight. It will fall off you and I can’t stress this point enough – nothing is better than running into your ex and have him tell you that you’ve lost weight. Just smile, say thank you and walk on.

Do not sleep around. There’s two things that tend to happen when a girl becomes newly single. You either cut yourself off from all men and practically tie a sandwich board round your neck that says “I’m still hurting. Please don’t talk to me. I just want my ex” or, even worse, you sleep with everything in sight. Either of these scenarios aren’t particularly great, but you definitely do not want to do the latter. Meaningless sex might sound ideal. After all, you’ve gone cold turkey after having sex on tap for a very long time – but you’ll feel empty and insignificant afterwards. Not to mention risking the whole unwanted baby/sexually transmitted disease malarkey. Imagine bumping into your ex as you’re leaving the GUM clinic? Exactly. I’m not saying abstain. But maybe just give it at least two or three months before you put yourself out there again. Nobody wants to be remembered as the girl who lay there and cried during a one night stand, whilst sobbing into a pillow: “That’s not how my ex does it”. Time is a fantastic thing. A couple of months later, you won’t be ready to date, but a little bit of rumpy bumpy might be just what you need.

Throw out your ex boyfriend shrine. Not straight away. You need a few days to grieve. But the earlier, the better. If you’re having a low day, you’ll feel even shittier if you reach under your bed and pull out last year’s Valentines Day card. Bin the presents. Burn the cards. Throw away his comfy hoodie. It will be like a breath of fresh air. And if you really feel as if you can’t do it, enlist the help of one of your mates. They’ll do it without you having to see, and they’ll probably love every second.

Ignore stupid people. I can’t begin to tell you the amount of times people said to me: “There’s plenty more fish in the sea”. At first, I used to smile and nod and agree. After a while, I would snap back at them: “But I want that fish! My fish! Fuck you!” I’m not ashamed to say, I was an ogre. If it wasn’t for the wonderful people of Carphone Warehouse call centre, I genuinely think I’d still be a mess. My team were wonderful, protecting me from questions I didn’t want to answer and deterring unwanted male attention away from my desk. Approximately three days after a break up, you will receive a message from a repulsive male, claiming to be asking how you’re doing. Don’t fall for it. He’s trying to get you to trust him, so he can take advantage of you when you’re at your most vulnerable. Don’t even message him back. You’re hurting, and you’re allowed time to heal without having to ward off creeps.

Set yourself little goals. What is it that you’ve been meaning to do for the last few months that you’ve never quite got round to doing? Are you saving up to buy a new car? Did you want to go on holiday? Maybe start a new college course? Do it now. For me, it was passing my driving test. I am the world’s worst driver and I’d been really half arsed about my driving lessons. I dreaded them and performed terribly in every single one. As soon as I was single, it became an obsession. My designated taxi driver had disappeared from my life, meaning I needed that extra bit of independence. Two months after being dumped and I had a pink license and a brand new car. You can do it, and now you have all the time in the world.

Keep smiling. Yes, your face will ache as though it hasn’t moved for a hundred years, but the truth is, there’s still loads of things to smile about. Go outside in the sunshine. Get stuck into a new book. Demolish a bottle of wine. Catch up with the soaps. Buy a new pair of shoes every weekend. Put the world to rights with your mum. Go on a massive walk until your thighs start to ache. Or my personal favourite: stock up on crappy magazines – you’ll find out more than you care to know about Z list celebrities but at least you’ll know what everyone else is on about in work the next day, so even if you’re having a bad day and don’t want to talk to anyone, you’re not out of touch with the world.

Cut all ties with his family and friends. This is possibly the worst part of a break up. You’ve broken up with just one person, but it affects so many others. Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the last year or so, you’re probably right in the heart of his family and his home. There might even be photographs of you knocking around his mum’s mantelpiece. His granny might knit you a sweater every Christmas. His brothers might call you ‘sis’. This bit is a killer. My ex’s mum was a total gem and we got on like a house on fire, but the sad thing is, the only reason you know his family is because of him. And he’s a twat. Therefore, you need to say your goodbyes in a dignified way and carry on with your life. They might send a message to you from time to time. They might not. Either way, you’ve got your own family around you and they won’t ever let you down.

Embrace the possibility that you may sleep with him again. It’s the hardest thing in the world. It’s been a few weeks. You’re starting to sleep properly again. You’re only crying yourself to sleep maybe three times a week now. Just when you’re beginning to see a teeny tiny little light at the end of the tunnel, he texts you. This is what I like to call The Seagull Ex Boyfriend. The one who senses that you’re getting over him, so he flies in, shits everywhere and flies back off again. You might fall for this. After all, he’s the person you loved more than anyone. You might find yourself back in his arms again. It’s not ideal, but it happens more than people care to admit. Just be careful, don’t believe his words and put it down as a one off. It cannot be a regular occurrence. Your friends will tell you not to sleep with him. Your best friends will accept that you have and still love you anyway. Believe me. I know.

Keep your chin up. Don’t be the sort of girl who updates her status every five minutes crying about how much she misses him. You’re better than that. Admittedly, you’ll have people checking your page every now and then to see if there’s any latest gossip. If you genuinely don’t think you can cope with putting on a happy face, deactivate everything. Take a few weeks to get your shit together. Then come back, and let everyone know that you’re fine. He will hear about it. He will be glad you’re doing okay, but don’t let that allow him back into your life. Spend as much time as possible with your funniest friends. The ones who make you cry laughing. Those are the types of people who will make you genuinely happy.

And finally, just remember that you will start to feel better. You’re a prinny. You’re an absolute hun. He knows it, everyone around you knows it and more importantly, so do you. It might not be for a while yet, but one day, you’re going to wake up and he won’t be the first thing you think of. You’ll wash your face, brush your teeth, do your hair and make up, get dressed and go to work. You’ll have your first cup of coffee, take your break, and just as you’re sitting down to lunch, you’ll think: “Wow. Okay. I’ve not thought about The Gobshite for five whole hours.” It will take you by surprise, but it will happen. Eventually, that five hours will turn into a day. That day will turn into a week. And so on and so on. Each day, little by little, you’ll start to heal.
Keep smiling, princess, you’re doing great.